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Managing Complex Blog RSS Feeds with Custom Objects and HubSpot Automation

by Ryan Thibodeaux, September 2024

In the world of digital marketing, managing and distributing content effectively can be a challenge, especially when dealing with multiple blogs, diverse content tags, and the need for personalized distribution. While HubSpot provides robust native features for handling RSS feeds and automating email campaigns, some scenarios require more customization and complexity. This is where custom objects and advanced automation with HubSpot's API come into play.

At Goodwood, we’ve successfully leveraged custom objects within HubSpot to manage complex blog RSS feeds, enabling more granular control over content distribution based on not only the blog itself but also specific tags. This has allowed our clients to send automated, highly-targeted emails and social posts, customized far beyond what HubSpot’s out-of-the-box features typically allow.

The Role of Custom Objects in Managing Complex RSS Feeds

Custom objects in HubSpot allow you to model and store data specific to your business needs that are not covered by standard HubSpot objects like Contacts, Companies, or Deals. When it comes to managing blog RSS feeds, custom objects can be used to track and manage different content elements, such as individual blog posts, tags, categories, and more.

By structuring this data within custom objects, you can create sophisticated workflows that trigger specific actions based on a combination of factors, such as the publication of a blog post with certain tags, or the scheduling of content across multiple platforms.

Use Case: Trigger-Based Email and Social Post Automation with Tags

One of our clients needed a solution to automate emails and social posts based on new blog posts, but with a twist—they wanted the automation to be highly customized, targeting audiences based on the tags associated with each post. HubSpot’s native features provided some functionality, but the level of customization required necessitated a more advanced approach.

Example Implementation:
We created custom objects in HubSpot to represent each blog post and its associated tags. These objects were then linked to specific workflows that would trigger automated actions based on the presence of certain tags. For instance, if a new blog post was tagged with 'Industry News,' the system would automatically generate an email and social media post targeting subscribers interested in industry updates.

The automation was further customized to pull in specific content elements from the blog post—such as quotes, images, and call-to-action buttons—ensuring that each email and social post was fully aligned with the brand’s messaging.

Additionally, the custom objects allowed for tracking and reporting on the performance of these posts, providing the client with insights into which tags and content types were most effective in engaging their audience.

Extending Beyond HubSpot's Native Features

While HubSpot offers powerful tools for managing content and automating marketing efforts, the use of custom objects opens up new possibilities for businesses with complex needs. By combining custom objects with HubSpot’s API, businesses can create highly personalized and targeted campaigns that are tailored to specific audience segments, all while maintaining a centralized, automated workflow.

At Goodwood, we’ve helped clients take their content management to the next level by integrating custom objects into their HubSpot instance. This has enabled them to not only manage content more effectively but also to engage with their audience in a more meaningful and targeted way.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Content Strategy with Custom Objects

Using custom objects to manage complex blog RSS feeds and automate distribution based on tags and other criteria offers a level of flexibility and precision that can significantly enhance your content strategy. Whether you’re looking to send targeted emails, automate social posts, or track the performance of your content, custom objects and HubSpot’s advanced automation capabilities can help you achieve your goals.

At Goodwood, we specialize in creating tailored solutions that go beyond the standard features of HubSpot, helping our clients optimize their digital marketing efforts and drive better results.

To learn more about how Goodwood can help you leverage custom objects and HubSpot automation for your content strategy, schedule a call.
